Refer a friend

Invite like-minded investors to open an account
with us and earn up to 8% from theirs deposit.

How it works

Share your unique reflink with your friends and get a cash reward in 3 simple steps


Invite your friend to join the most promising investment platfrom

Refer your friend directly from your Alipto Limited personal account in web platform


Make sure they open an account with your unique Alipto Limited link

After your friend deposit, you will get a referee bonus


Earn money once your friend starts promoting our platform

We will credit your account with a cash bonus, when:

  • your friend makes a deposit - 5% from their deposit
  • ref of your friend makes a deposit- 2% or 1% from deposit


Your friend gets a $50 bonus

The bonus is credited to your friend’s NBRB account when your friend verifies his account, deposits and makes 1 trade (all within 30 days). Bonus can be withdrawn only after traded volume exceeds $500,000.

Apply to to get your bonus.

Ready to get started? Open account


How can I make a referral?

To make a referral, simply tap Invite friends button in your app and share the referral link with your friends via sms, email or any other messenger preferred. Please ensure you have your friends’ consent before doing so.

What should I do to earn a cash reward?

To qualify for a referral reward, you should simply refer your friends and we will do the rest. You will get your referral reward as long as your friend deposits a minimum of 200 USD (EUR/GBP depending on the currency of your account) and makes 3 trades.

Is the referral programme available for everyone?

The referral programme is available (and is visible in the app) for FCA and NBRB clients only. The referral program is not available to Australian Residents under the ASIC licence. Please note that CySEC clients might be referred to and FCA/NBRB clients will be awarded for them.
Please note that CySEC clients can create additional FCA account (if they are from Ireland or UK) to take part in the referral programme.

How much can I get for referring my friends?

We are paying bonus for 5 referred clients brought per quarter The NBRB client can receive up to 100 USD (EUR, GBP):
- 1st friend - 10 USD / 10 EUR / 10 GBP
- 2nd friend - 10 USD / 10 EUR / 10 GBP
- 3rd friend - 15 USD / 15 EUR / 15 GBP
- 4th friend - 15 USD / 15 EUR / 15 GBP
- 5th friend - 50 USD/ 50 EUR/ 50 GBP

When will I receive my reward?

If you are eligible for a referral reward, we will credit your account at the beginning of the following month after you qualified. Please note, that the referred client has 30 days to meet our minimum funding requirements, so it may take longer than expected to credit your account.

How many referrals can I make?

You can make up to five successful referrals per quarter. If you bring more than 5 people during the quarter, the payment will be transferred to the next quarter. New period (quarter) starts once the 5th friend is brought to
Please note, If you can bring more than 5 friends per 3 month, please qualify for our Golden Referral.

Risk warning: transactions with non-deliverable over-the-counter instruments are a risky activity and can bring not only profit but also losses. The size of the potential loss is limited to the funds held by us for and on your behalf, in relation to your trading account. Past profits do not guarantee future profits. Use the training services of our company to understand the risks before you start operations. Closed joint-stock company “Capital Com Bel” is regulated by NBRB, registered 12.02.2023 with company registration number 14655779. Certificate of inclusion in the register of forex companies No. 16 dated 16.01.2023.

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